Iron Maiden night feat. Hårdrock för helvete
The Abyss Gothenburgfredag, 28 februari 2020 kl:19:00

In April, the first Maiden LP turns 40. To commemorate this milestone in heavy metal history, the Hårdrock för Helvete band will on February 28th perform the album in its entirety (as well as a remaining set of metal classics). On this very night we’re also getting the Sun and Steel Trooper beer back in the bar! There will be giveaways and stuff. And DJ Maidensinner will blow the speakers, supposedly with plenty of Maiden and other metal magic.
Don’t miss this great evening in honor of Iron Maiden!
Don’t miss this great evening in honor of Iron Maiden!
Datum / Tid
fredag, 28 februari 2020 kl: 19:00Plats
Göteborg, The Abyss GothenburgKarta (Google)
501 / 3