The Harry Potter Party
Moriska Paviljongen
lördag, 8 april 2017
For those of you who thought you'd missed out on your Hogwarts acceptance letter, we can now announce you have mail!
We are happy to inform you that you have recieved the official Harry Potter Party Invitation - The greatest wizard event of the year!
On Saturday the 8th of April we will gather in the Great Hall to enjoy, drink, sing and dance the night away! A reward will be given to the best dressed.
Sat 8 april, Moriska Paviljongen
23-03.00, available for wheelchair
Pre sale tickets: Release on Monday!
Ticket price: 120 sek
18 years with pre sale, 20 years at the door.
“Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.” –The Half-Blood Prince
Moriska Paviljongen (i folkmun kallad "Moriskan") är en kulturbyggnad i Folkets Park i Malmö. Byggnaden ritades 1901 på uppdrag av arbetarrörelsen, av den polsk-judiske arkitekten Aron Wolff Krenzisky. Med sina sju torn och en tivoliarkitektur influerad av sekelskiftets orientalism, är den unik i sitt slag i Sverige. Huset invigdes 17 augusti 1902.