19 sep kl: 08:00

Iron Maiden åker ut på RUN FOR YOUR LIVES WORLD TOUR och återvänder till Sverige för två konserter sommaren 2025 – torsdag 12 juni och fredag 13 juni på 3Arena (Tele2 Arena) i Stockholm! Special guest: Halestorm

Turnén markerar 50 år sedan Steve Harris bildade bandet i slutet av 1975 och för att fira detta lovas Maiden-fansen en noga utvald och mycket speciell låtlista hämtad från deras banbrytande tidiga år. Med en låtlista som spänner över de nio studioalbumen, från “Iron Maiden” till “Fear Of The Dark”, blir turnén bandets mest storslagna och välproducerade hittills!

Biljetter släpps den 26 september klockan 10:00 via
I Sverige har Mastercard-användare tillgång till förköpsbiljetter från 24 september 10:00 och är tillgängligt i 48 timmar. Besök för mer information.

Run For Your Lives World Tour startar i Budapest den 27 maj nästa år och följs sedan upp med 27 stadion-, festival- och arenakonserter runt om i Europa.

Sångare Bruce Dickinson säger:
“Next year is a very special one for IRON MAIDEN and we’re going to be giving our fans a once-in-a-lifetime live experience. This is a tour that’s gonna put a smile on your face and a cheer in your throat. If you’ve seen us before, then get ready to take that experience to a whole new level. If you’ve never seen us before, then what the hell have you been waiting for? Now’s your chance to find out what you’ve been missing! IRON MAIDEN’s definitely gonna get ya!”

Manager Rod Smallwood adderar:
“50 years of Maiden and I have seen 46 of them! With well over 100 million albums sold and almost?2500 shows in 64 countries and counting, to countless millions of fans,?we are all still loving every second and consider every tour a new challenge to bring something different and exciting to our fans. And for this very special one we’ re pulling out all the stops!

We will cover classics and fan favourites from the first nine albums, from IRON MAIDEN to FEAR OF THE DARK, many of which we haven’t played in years and many we will likely never play again in the future. We have already been hard at work for months putting together an even more spectacular and elaborate new show which will bring the songs to life more than we have ever been able to do before. ?This is going to be a huge couple of years for IRON MAIDEN, and Eddie of course, and we are very excited about what we have up our sleeves for you fans throughout the whole of our 50th?year. I promise you are all going to be very happy indeed!”

MAY 2025
Tue 27th - Budapest Aréna, Budapest, Hungary *
Sat 31st - Letnany Airport, Prague, Czech Republic *

JUNE 2025

Sun 1st - TIPOS Arena, Bratislava, Slovakia *
Thu 5th - Trondheim Rocks, Trondheim, Norway (Festival)
Sat 7th - SR-Bank Arena, Stavanger, Norway *
Mon 9th - Royal Arena, Copenhagen, Denmark *
Thu 12th – 3Arena (Tele2 Arena), Stockholm, Sweden *
Fri 13th – 3Arena (Tele2 Arena), Stockholm, Sweden *

Mon 16th - Olympic Stadium, Helsinki, Finland *
Sat 21st - Utilita Arena, Birmingham, England ^
Sun 22nd - Co-op Live, Manchester, England ^
Wed 25th - Malahide Castle, Dublin, Ireland *^
Sat 28th - London Stadium, London, England *^
Mon 30th - OVO Hydro, Glasgow, Scotland ^

JULY 2025

Thu 3rd - Eurockéennes Festival, Belfort, France (Festival)
Sat 5th - Estadio Cívitas Metropolitano, Madrid, Spain **
Sun 6th - MEO Arena, Lisbon, Portugal **
Wed 9th - Hallenstadion, Zurich, Switzerland **
Fri 11th - Veltins-Arena, Gelsenkirchen, Germany **
Sun 13th - Stadio Euganeo, Padova, Italy **
Tue 15th - Bürgerweide, Bremen, Germany **
Thu 17th - Ernst Happel Stadium, Vienna, Austria **
Sat 19th - Paris La Défense Arena, Paris, France **
Wed 23rd - GelreDome, Arnhem, Netherlands **
Fri 25th - Deutsche Bank Park, Frankfurt, Germany **
Sat 26th - Cannstatter Wasen, Stuttgart, Germany **
Tue 29th - Waldbühne, Berlin, Germany **


Sat 2nd - PGE Narodowy, Warsaw, Poland **

Support acts

^The Raven Age
** Avatar