Looking For Johnny Alf
Musikaliska Kvarteret, Blinda Tigern
onsdag, 27 november 2024
Snickeriet Jazz Club in collaboration Blinda Tigern
“Looking for Johnny Alf" is a show dedicated to the influential carioca pianist, singer, and composer Johnny Alf, who was fundamental in shaping bossa nova with his unique rhythmic style and the incorporation of elements from North American music. Born Alfredo José Da Silva in Rio de Janeiro in 1929, Alfs legacy is intertwined with the evolution of the genre, and pianist Pablo Lapidusas seeks to honor this heritage with his quartet. Lapidusas, who has a diverse musical background, emphasizes the importance of recognizing Alfs contributions, as many are unaware of his significant impact on Brazilian music. The show has been well received, with performances in various Brazilian cities, fostering a strong connection with the audience, despite the risks of presenting lesser-known music. Collaborating with talented musicians like Nelson Faria, Celeste Caramanna, and Rubem Farias, Lapidusas expresses his joy in bringing attention to Alfs music, which has been a landmark in Brazilian households. This is a special edition in collaboration with Blinda Tigern.
Pablo Lapidusas- Piano
Celeste Caramanna
Vocal - Nelson Faria
Guitar - Rubem Farias - Bass
Blinda Tigern, våning 7 på Musikaliska Kvarteret
Nybrokajen 11, 11148 Stockholm