Ceremony and Womens Circle


OSLO, Glassgarden Ved Lilletorget 1
söndag, 25 maj 2025 kl:17:00

We have lost the ancient tradition of gathering together in Circle to tell stories and to witness each other through lifes transitions and happenings. Our stories each have lessons that need to be heard so that we may learn from them. This event is for women to gather together to do just that. We will have Ceremony first, as we ask for guidance and illumination, or celebrate joy, or sow the seeds of intention for change and transformation. Whatever your need may be, whatever stage you may be in your life, come to this event to share and be witnessed. As we enter the period of full summer, leading up to Summer Solstice, together we may dream into being a blossoming reality that perhaps you have only held in your heart as just a dream.

Datum / Tid

söndag, 25 maj 2025 kl: 17:00


OSLO, Glassgarden Ved Lilletorget 1

Karta (Google)





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