lördag, 17 september 2022
The best music of all Harry Potter films with the London Symphonic & Philharmonic Film Orchestra and a ‚Weasley‘ star guest!
LONDON - The Harry Potter films are some of the most successful films in the history of cinema. The award-winning film music is now coming as a unique concert evening to your city! An original actor, star soloists, a choir and symphonic orchestra will bring the magical music of Harry Potter to life.
Visitors will experience the most significant musical moments of Harry Potter: The program includes the film soundtracks of four-time Oscar winning composer John Williams, Patrick Doyle, Nicolas Hooper, and Alexander Desplat as well as the best of the music from „Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”, which has received many awards in London and New York.
Unique Experience
The concert presents a musical journey into a magical world with friendship, adventure and love in the dangerous world of magicians. Visitors can expect to be enchanted by advanced light and laser technology as well as a unique sound dimension that is guaranteed to leave them with goosebumps. The visual and magical effects are set to let the hearts of all Harry Potter fans beat a little faster.
Our audience favorite, a member of the Weasley family, will make the concert unforgettable with all kinds of fun and good humor.
The Music
John Williams (Star Wars, ET, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park) composed the music for the first three films, like the famous “Hedwig’s Theme”, the leitmotif of the Harry Potter films, and “Double Trouble” - the classic Hogwarts motif with a Children’s choir, as well as the funny “Aunt Marges Waltz” and “Witches, Wands and Wizards”. Titles like the „Hogwarts Hymn” by Patrick Doyle, from the fourth Harry Potter film remind the audience of the mysterious and dark world of the Triwizard Tournament. Nicholas Hooper has composed „Dumbledores Farewell” for the fifth and sixth Harry Potter films. He helped to shape and mature the Harry Potter music. Alexandre Desplat created „Lily`s Theme” and has composed the music for the last two installments of the film series - a grand and unforgettable final and musical experience
Längd: ingen uppgift ännu.
Rullstolsplats bokas online Klicka HÄR! eller i Scalateaterns biljettkassa, eller 054-190080 samt via ticketmasters tillgänglighetslinje 0776-707777, det går även att besöka Cultix på Storgatan 7 i Växjö.
Äkta biljetter finns här på
Välkommen till Växjö Konserthus
Redan i mitten av sextiotalet togs frågan upp om ett eventuellt konserthus i Växjö, men det skulle dröja ända fram till 1983 som idéerna på allvar började realiseras. Kommunstyrelsens arbetsutskott fick i uppgift att utreda möjligheterna till ett konserthus i staden och 1985 presenteras det första förslaget till en byggnad, ritad av professor Sten Samuelsson. Då man inte politiskt kunde enas om detta projekt läggs det ned 1986, men återupptas än en gång året därpå, nu med en ny ekonomisk finansieringsplan. Tillsammans med den lanseras en arkitekttävling som vinns av arkitekterna Henrik Jais-Nielsen, Mats White samt Ib och Henrik Wibroe.
Två konsertsalar och en samlingssal finns representerade i byggnaden. Christina Nilssonsalen, Karl-Birger Blomdahlsalen och Konserthuskällaren, varav Christina Nilssonsalen är den största med ca 800 sittplatser.